Reinvent Sustainable Organizations, Authentic-Self, and Develop the Leadership Within!
Women Owned Small Business
Certified for Government Contracting

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Corporate Mission
To sustain organizations and leaders with programs developed that teach and practice storytelling methodology. Storytelling methodology uses narratives, dance, music, and visual arts to engage audiences of diverse cultures and ages in uncovering authenticity of self that contributes to positive mindsets. Similar to a tribes family reunion, today's stakeholders use self and their constituents as instruments to uncover sustainable processes and leadership practices for engagement and elevation.
Reflections of SANDE
Items inspired by culture offered with gift with purchase for multiple orders, pick up or shipping based on size of order. Free shipping on orders 30.00 or more. Hold cursor over image for details of product and price.

Delta Authors on Tour Slideshow
Dr. Wanda Tisby Cousar is an author and presenter at the Denver Aquarium. The event was hosted by the Denver Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.