
Reinvent Sustainable Organizations, Authentic-Self, and Develop the Leadership Within!

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Corporate Mission

To sustain organizations and leaders with programs developed that teach and practice storytelling methodology. Storytelling methodology uses narratives, dance, music, and visual arts to engage audiences of diverse cultures and ages in uncovering authenticity of self that contributes to positive mindsets. Similar to a tribes family reunion, today's stakeholders use self  and their constituents as instruments to uncover sustainable processes and leadership practices for engagement and elevation.


Sande Leadership: Attributes of Sustainable Organizational Practice

Authored by Dr. Wanda Tisby Cousar who is available for storytelling for general audiences and keynote speaking for academic audiences. The emergence of Sande 16 leadership attributes are impacting a variety of industries. Used to coach in leadership sustainable practices that determines success. Tisby-Cousar received Distinguished Educator of the Year from the nonprofit EduCtr, March 2020. Tisby-Cousar's book Sande Leadership: Attributes of Sustainable Organizational Practice, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing is available below with autograph. Cousar is recorded below in the Story Project with KRCC-NPR radio.

Gifts that Express Pride and Self Care Sustainably



Dr. Wanda Tisby Cousar presents for the Story Project

Reflections of SANDE

Items inspired by culture offered with gift with purchase for multiple orders, pick up or shipping based on size of order. Free shipping on orders 30.00 or more. Hold cursor over image for details of product and price.

Purchase an autographed copy of Sande Leadership: Attributes of Sustainable Organizational Practice at 41.00 and save $9.68 with free shipping Relieve neck stress with this travel pillow,Inspired by West African culture. Made with Mudcloth from Mali accented with embroidery and cowrie shell. 15.00 and free shipping Book/Bible Covers,Two-sided, pen holder, 23.00. Buy two and get 15% off second purchase Children's Book/Bible Covers,Two-sided, pen holder, 20.00, Buy two and get 15% off second purchase Book/Bible Covers, Four compartments inside, pen holder, long strap, two netted pockets, (1 zippered) 5 additional pockets with business card slot 27.00, Buy two and get 15% off second purchase Book/Bible Covers,Two-sided, pen holder, 23.00, Buy two and get 15% off 2nd purchase Executive Book/Bible two textured pockets, one with pen holder 25.00 Executive Book/Bible two textured pockets, one with pen holder 25.00 Egyptian Musk Soap, 3.98, two for 7.00, 1/2 oz oil for 6.00 Set of soap and oil 9.50. Dudu Osun Soap, 3.98, two for 7.00 Small Gye Nayame Travel Bag, 23.90 3 Raider masks in different designs. Soft fabric and lined for 35.00 includes shipping. Business Card Holders: Delta Sigma Theta, "Keep Moving Forward", and Alpha Kappa Alpha; Black History Journal  Price 13.00 each Small Gye  Nayame Purse, Cowrie Shell Belt, Blessed Latte Mug. 20.00 each with purchase of two or more Greeting Cards !5 per package of : Maya Angelou "Thank you", Wishing You a  Fabulous Christmas" for 13.00 each. or "One Step Forward, 20.00 each " Bible Covers: "Sunday Morning or It's All Good" with two pockets and long shoulder strap and handle for 27.00 each. Bath Mat : "Me Time" 25.00 each. add "Me Time" Shower Curtain for $35.00 Children's Bible Covers and Small Kufi Caps: 20.00 each Bible Covers Adult Size (one pocket): 23.00 each Bible Covers::One  Pocket  with pen holder: 23.00

Delta Authors on Tour Slideshow

Dr. Wanda Tisby Cousar is an author and presenter at the Denver Aquarium. The event was hosted by the Denver Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.